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Details for anatomical structure: granulosa cell

EndoNet ID: ENC00044

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granulosa cell, follicular epithelial cell, follicular cell,

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Cytomer cy0044754

Larger structures

  • parts_of_human_body
  • gonads
  • ovary


    Secreted hormones

    • Hormone: inhibin B

      • Inhibin B is a product of the granulosa cells of growing preantral and antral follicles. [1]
    • Hormone: estradiol

      • Aromatase converts androstenidione from the theca cells of the ovary to estradiol. [2]
      • In response to the P450arom induced in the granulosa cells by FSH stimulation, the androstenedione is aromatized to estrone, which then is converted to estradiol by the 17beta-HSD. [3]

      Influenced by:

      • follitropin receptor
        in granulosa_cell
      • BMP receptor type IB
        in granulosa_cell
        • BMP-4 and BMP-7 enhance FSH-dependent estradiol production, suggesting that BMP factors regulate granulosa cell differentiation, particularty in delaying the luteinization process. [4]
    • Hormone: inhibin A

    • Hormone: VEGF-165

    • Hormone: angiotensin II

    • Hormone: progesterone

      Influenced by:

      • LHCGR-1
        in granulosa_cell
        • Progesterone secretion was enhanced by all agents that caused down-regulationo f the LH receptor; however, there was little correlation between progesterone secretion and down-regulation [5]
      • BMP receptor type IB
        in granulosa_cell
        • BMP-4, a known ligand of Alk6, inhibits progesterone secretion by ovine granulosa cells in the absence of FSH. [6]
        • BMP-4 modulates progesterone by inhibiting the steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1) transcriptional activity on steroidogenic gene promotors. In FSH-induced conditions, this mechanism might be reinforced by an inhibition of adenylate cyclase activity. [7]
      • PRLR
        in ovary
        • The luteotropic action of prolactin involves stimulation of progesterone production by luteal cells. [8]
    • Hormone: estrogen

      Influenced by:

      • LHCGR-1
        in granulosa_cell
        • In females, luteinizing hormone receptor activation is required for estrogen synthesis , and LH surge from the pituitary triggers ovulation and luteinization of granulosa cell to form corpus luteum. [9]
      • PRLR
        in granulosa_cell
        • In granulose cells. prolactin inhibits estrogen synthesis. [10]


    • Receptor: follitropin receptor

      Induced phenotype:

      • granulosa cell differentiation
        • Follicle-stimuating hormone has a central role in ovarian folliculogenesis, particularly in regulating granulosa cell differentiation, it enhances expression of steroidogenic enzymes such as cytochrome P450 side-chain cleavage and P450 aromatase (these actions are importantly modulated by various growth factors, acting in paracrine or autocrine way). [11]
      • ovarian follicle development
        • Follicle-stimuating hormone has a central role in ovarian folliculogenesis. [11]


      • estradiol
    • Receptor: LHCGR-1

      Induced phenotype:

      • regulation of ovulation
        • Luteinizing hormone is important for progesterone and prostaglandin secretion and ovulation. [5]


      • progesterone
        • Progesterone secretion was enhanced by all agents that caused down-regulationo f the LH receptor; however, there was little correlation between progesterone secretion and down-regulation [5]
      • estrogen
        • In females, luteinizing hormone receptor activation is required for estrogen synthesis , and LH surge from the pituitary triggers ovulation and luteinization of granulosa cell to form corpus luteum. [9]
    • Receptor: AR

      Induced phenotype:

      • ovarian follicle development
        • Studies with AR knockout mice have revealed that AR function is essential for maintaining female fertility, notably through optimizing the conditions for follicular growth, final follicle development and ovulation. [12]
    • Receptor: PRLR


      • estrogen
        • In granulose cells. prolactin inhibits estrogen synthesis. [10]
    • Receptor: ER-alpha

      Induced phenotype:

      • reproduction
      • ovarian follicle development
        • Higher ER alpha gene expression in granulosa cells in patients with endometriosis, compared with patients with tubular infertility, implies that endometriosis may cause ovarian dysfunction. [13]
    • Receptor: ER-beta

      Induced phenotype:

      • reproduction
      • ovarian follicle development
        • ER beta is upregulated in patients with endometriosis. Elevated ER expression might be a leading cause of ovarian dysfunction. [13]
    • Receptor: leptin receptor

      • Transcripts encoding both the long and short isoforms of the leptin receptor were present in human granulosa cells; however, the short isoforms were expressed at much higher levels. [14]

      Induced phenotype:

      • negative regulation of steroid hormone biosynthetic
        • Leptin inhibited insulin-induced steroidogenesis by bovine granulosa cells. [15]
        • Leptin, at physiologic concentrations, directly affects insulin-induced steroidogenesis of granulosa cells. Normally fluctuating concentrations of leptin in blood may play an important role in communicating the metabolic status of the animal to the reproductive system. [15]
        • Leptin significantly suppresses LH-induced estradiol production. This is consistent with an endocrine action of leptin on the human ovary, with possible implications for female reproduction in health and disease. [14]
        • High dose of leptin suppressed LH-stimulated estradiol production in human granulosa cells. [14]
    • Receptor: angiotensin II type 1 receptor

      Induced phenotype:

      • regulation of angiogenesis
        • In conjunction with the angiotensin II type 1 receptor, angiotensin II mediates angiogenesis in the ovary via secretion of vascular endothelial growth factor. [16]
    • Receptor: BMP receptor type IB


      • progesterone
        • BMP-4, a known ligand of Alk6, inhibits progesterone secretion by ovine granulosa cells in the absence of FSH. [6]
        • BMP-4 modulates progesterone by inhibiting the steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1) transcriptional activity on steroidogenic gene promotors. In FSH-induced conditions, this mechanism might be reinforced by an inhibition of adenylate cyclase activity. [7]
      • estradiol
        • BMP-4 and BMP-7 enhance FSH-dependent estradiol production, suggesting that BMP factors regulate granulosa cell differentiation, particularty in delaying the luteinization process. [4]