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Details for anatomical structure: Leydig cell of testis

EndoNet ID: ENC00067

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Leydig cell of testis, interstitial cell, Endocrinocytus interstitialis

General information

secreting testosterone

Links to other resources

Cytomer cy0011220

Larger structures

  • parts_of_human_body
  • gonads
  • testis


    Secreted hormones

    • Hormone: testosterone

      Influenced by:

      • LHCGR-1
        in Leydig_cell_of_testis
        • Luteinizing hormone secretion from pituitary and subsequent activation of Luteinizing hormone receptor in Leydig cells at the onset of puberty promotes testosterone synthesis, required for secondary sexual characteristics in males. [1]
      • ACTH receptor
        in testis
        • The testicular melanocortin type 2 receptors appear to be functionally active since ACTH will stimulate testosterone production by the fetal and neonatal mouse testis which both contain fetal-type Leydig cells although the effects are lost in the postpubertal animal. [2]
      • G-protein coupled receptor GPCR33
        in Leydig_cell_of_testis
        • Osteocalcin favors male fertility is by increasing testosterone synthesis in Leydig cells. Testosterone, in turn, supports maturation and prevents apoptosis of germ cells [3]
    • Hormone: DHT


    • Receptor: G-protein coupled receptor GPCR33

      • These data identify Gprc6a as an osteocalcin receptor in Leydig cells. [4]


      • testosterone
        • Osteocalcin favors male fertility is by increasing testosterone synthesis in Leydig cells. Testosterone, in turn, supports maturation and prevents apoptosis of germ cells [3]
    • Receptor: LHCGR-1


      • testosterone
        • Luteinizing hormone secretion from pituitary and subsequent activation of Luteinizing hormone receptor in Leydig cells at the onset of puberty promotes testosterone synthesis, required for secondary sexual characteristics in males. [1]
    • Receptor: MC1R

    • Receptor: ER-beta

      Induced phenotype:

      • steroidogenesis
        • Estrogen regulates steroidogenesis by acting through ER alpha and ER beta in the Leydig cells. [5]
    • Receptor: calcitonin-receptor-like receptor

    • Receptor: PRLR

      Induced phenotype:

      • stimulation of testicular function
        • Prolactin increases the LH receptor number in Leydig cells. [6]
        • In general, prolactin stimulates testicular functions in most mammals. In Leydig cells, prolactin is involved in the maintenance of cellular morphology. [7]
    • Receptor: ER-alpha

      Induced phenotype:

      • steroidogenesis
        • Estrogen regulates steroidogenesis by acting through ER alpha and ER beta in the Leydig cells. [5]