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Details for anatomical structure: cell of intermediate pituitary

EndoNet ID: ENC00178

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cell of intermediate pituitary, , Endocrinocytus basophilus

General information

secreting melanocyte-stimulating hormone

Links to other resources

Cytomer cy0011199

Larger structures

  • brain
  • pituitary_gland_of_diencephalon
  • adenohypophysis
  • central_nerve_system_element


    Secreted hormones

    • Hormone: MSH

      • [1]

      Influenced by:

      • MC1R
        in melanocyte
      • MC1R
        in skin
      • melatonin 1 receptor
        in hypothalamus
      • dopamine receptor D2
        in cell_of_intermediate_pituitary
        • The secretion of melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) by intermediate lobe cells is under the negative influence of the hypothalamus. The predominant role of the tubero-hypophyseal dopaminergic neurons in the inhibitory control of MSH secretion has been demonstrated in mammals. [2]
        • Dopamine (in perifusion model) was responsible for a dose-related inhibition of MSH secretion. [3]
      • TRH-R
        in cell_of_intermediate_pituitary
        • In amphibians, TRH stimulates MSH release in vitro and that the action of TRH is not mediated via an inhibition of the release of endogenous dopamine. [4]
        • TRH reverses the inhibitory effect of dopamine on MSH secretion. The effects of TRH and dopamine are additive. Thus, the intracellular events associated with TRH-induced stimulation and dopamine-induced inhibition of MSH release are not linked together. [3]
    • Hormone: ACTH

      Influenced by:

      • CaSR
        in mammary_gland
        • CaSR activation led to the stimulation of cAMP production, and PTHrP and ACTH secretion from these cells. [5]
      • CRF-R2
        in pituitary_gland_of_diencephalon
        • Inihibition of CRH in the hypothalamus inhibts secretion of ACTH in pituritary gland [6]


    • Receptor: TRH-R


      • MSH
        • In amphibians, TRH stimulates MSH release in vitro and that the action of TRH is not mediated via an inhibition of the release of endogenous dopamine. [4]
        • TRH reverses the inhibitory effect of dopamine on MSH secretion. The effects of TRH and dopamine are additive. Thus, the intracellular events associated with TRH-induced stimulation and dopamine-induced inhibition of MSH release are not linked together. [3]
    • Receptor: CRF-R1

    • Receptor: PRLR

    • Receptor: dopamine receptor D2

      • The dopamine receptor in the intermediate lobe can be assigned to the category of dopamine receptor designated D-2. [7]


      • MSH
        • The secretion of melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) by intermediate lobe cells is under the negative influence of the hypothalamus. The predominant role of the tubero-hypophyseal dopaminergic neurons in the inhibitory control of MSH secretion has been demonstrated in mammals. [2]
        • Dopamine (in perifusion model) was responsible for a dose-related inhibition of MSH secretion. [3]