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Details for anatomical structure: enterochromaffin like cell

EndoNet ID: ENC00200

To link to the content of EndoNet use the EndoNet ID that is given on the detail pages in the format ENX0000, where X is a place holder for the type of the component (e. g. R for receptor or C for anatomical structure).
As URL for the linking append this ID to the detail page for this type of component.
For an hormone that would be:

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enterochromaffin like cell, ,

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Cytomer cy0052341

Larger structures


      Secreted hormones

      • Hormone: pancreastatin

      • Hormone: histamine

        • Gastrin or Acetylcholine stimulate histamine-release.

        Influenced by:

        • CCK-2
          in enterochromaffin_like_cell
          • CCK2 receptors mediate the release of histamine from enterchromaffin-like cells in the stomach. [1]
      • Hormone: REG1A

      • Hormone: PAI-2


      • Receptor: M3

      • Receptor: CCK-2

        Induced phenotype:

        • positive regulation of smooth muscle proliferation


        • histamine
          • CCK2 receptors mediate the release of histamine from enterchromaffin-like cells in the stomach. [1]
      • Receptor: CaSR
