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Details for anatomical structure: eccrine sweat glands

EndoNet ID: ENC00211

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eccrine sweat glands, eccrine glands, Glandulae sudoriferae eccrianae

General information

Any of the rather small sweat glands that produce a fluid secretion without removing cytoplasm from the secreting cells and that are restricted to the human skin

Links to other resources

Cytomer cy0024124

Larger structures

  • eccrine_gland
  • skin
  • sweat_glands
  • immune_system


    Secreted hormones


      • Receptor: ER-alpha

        Induced phenotype:

        • regulation of cellular calcium homeostasis
          • The treatment of human eccrine sweat gland cell line NCL-SG3 with estrogen receptor antagonist suggests a role for the estrogen receptor in the release of intracellular calcium from ryanodine-receptor-gated stores. 17beta-estradiol rapidly activates an PKC isoform, PKA and Erk1/2 MAPK in a PKC-delta and estrogen-receptor-dependent manner. [1]
      • Receptor: ER-beta

        Induced phenotype:

        • regulation of cellular calcium homeostasis
          • 17-beta-estradiol rapidly modulates intracellular calcium release from ryanodine-receptor-gated intracellular Calium stores. The signal transduction pathway involves the estrogen receptor coupled to PKC-PKA-Erk1/2 signaling pathway. [1]
      • Receptor: PR B

      • Receptor: progesterone receptor A

      • Receptor: AR

        Induced phenotype:

        • positive regulation of perspiration
          • Androgens appear to promote perspiration since males sweat at a greater rate than females in similar situations. [2]