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Details for anatomical structure: urinary bladder

EndoNet ID: ENC00312

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urinary bladder, bladder, Vesica urinaria

General information

Musculo-membranous sac-like organ, part of the urinary apparatus, on the median line in the true pelvis, it is placed between the ureters and the urethra, the urine is collected in it before being expelled by urination

Links to other resources

Cytomer cy0039129

Larger structures

  • parts_of_human_body


  • smooth_muscle_cell
  • cell:plasma_cell
  • mast_cell
  • macrophage
  • fibroblast

Secreted hormones

  • Hormone: BMP7

  • Hormone: QRFP

  • Hormone: FAM3A


  • Receptor: CB1

    Induced phenotype:

    • urination
      • Binding to CB1 regulates the voiding of the bladder and prevents incontinence. [1]
  • Receptor: Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1

    • n overactive bladder syndrome and interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome TRPV1 overexpression has been described in the bladder wall, both in urothelial cells and in suburothelial nerve fibres [2]

    Induced phenotype:

    • detection of mechanical stimulus
      • VR1 has a role in normal bladder function and sensing of bladder distension, particularly via the detection of mechanical stimuli by the urothelium. [3]
    • bladder activity
      • NGF-induced bladder overactivity and noxious input depend on the interaction of NGF with TRPV1. [2]
      • TRPV1 is essential for NGF-driven bladder dysfunction and represents a bottleneck target in bladder pathologies associated with NGF up-regulation. [2]