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Details for anatomical structure: ileum

EndoNet ID: ENC00405

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ileum, , Ileum

General information

The lowest three fifths of the small intestine, about 12 feet in length, extending from the junction with the jejunum to the ileocecal opening; it is distinct from jejunum in being typically smaller in diameter with thinner walls, having smaller and less complex plicae circulares; its mesentery having more fat and its arteries forming more tiers of arterial arcades with shorter vasa recta

Links to other resources

Cytomer cy0032172

Larger structures

  • parts_of_human_body
  • small_intestine
  • digestive_system


    Secreted hormones

    • Hormone: GRP

      • GRP is expressed in submucosal cells of the ileum. [1]
    • Hormone: NT

      • Protein kinase D (PKD) family members (PKD1, 2, and 3) have been identified as important regulators of secretory transport at the trans-Golgi network: PKD1 contributes to stimulated NT secretion. [2]


    • Receptor: NPY4-R

    • Receptor: GRP-R

      Induced phenotype:

      • gatrointestinal motility
        • GRP modulates the gastrointestinal motility [3]
    • Receptor: galanin receptor 1

      Induced phenotype:

      • inhibition of circular muscle contraction
        • Galanin has an inhibitory role on circular muscle contraction in ileum.
    • Receptor: PRLR
