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Details for anatomical structure: oxyntic cell of gastric gland

EndoNet ID: ENC00465

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oxyntic cell of gastric gland, parietal cell, acid cell, border cell, Exocrinocytus parietalis

General information

Mainly located in the isthmus, secreting HCL; any of the large oval cells of the gastric mucous membrane that secrete hydrochlorid acid and lie between chief cells and the basement membrane

Links to other resources

Cytomer cy0011187

Larger structures

  • stomach
  • eccrine_gland
  • parts_of_human_body
  • digestive_system
  • mucosa_of_gastric_wall


    Secreted hormones

    • Hormone: intrinsic factor


    • Receptor: CCK-1

    • Receptor: CCK-2

      Induced phenotype:

      • positive regulation of gastric acid secretion
        • The CCK2 receptor stimulate the acid secretion from parietal cells in the digestive system. [1]
        • CCK-2R is necessary to respond to carbachol as well as to produce the maximal acid secretion. The role of CCK-1R in acid secretion is less important. [2]
    • Receptor: H2

      Induced phenotype:

      • positive regulation of gastric acid secretion
        • Because histamine represents a potent stimulant for gastric acid secretion, H2-receptor antagonists are widely used for the treatment of acid-related peptic disease. [3]
    • Receptor: M3

      Induced phenotype:

      • positive regulation of gastric acid secretion
        • Cholinergic stimulation of gastric acid secretion is clearly mediated by the M3 receptor. [4]