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Details for anatomical structure: glomerulus

EndoNet ID: ENC00474

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glomerulus, , Glomerulus

General information

Small, convoluted or intertwined mass of branching processes, for example nerve fibres, capillaries etc., also a tuft of capillaries covered by epithelium

Links to other resources

Cytomer cy0030332

Larger structures

  • parts_of_human_body


    Secreted hormones

    • Hormone: laminin subunit beta-2

    • Hormone: proteinase 3

    • Hormone: slit-2 isoform 1 C-product

    • Hormone: slit-2 isoform 1 N-product


    • Receptor: neuropilin 1

      Induced phenotype:

      • induction of podocyte apoptosis
        • In cultured podocytes, recombinant Sema3a downregulates podocin expression, decreases the interaction between slit diaphragm proteins podocin, nephrin and CD2AP and induces podocyte apoptosis through inhibition of the phosphorylation of AKT. [1]
      • formation of glomerular filter barrier
        • Sema3a plays a role in the formation of the glomerular filtration barrier. [2]
        • Sema3a negatively regulates endothelial cell survival during glomerular development and a tight regulation of Sema3a dosage is necessary for normal glomerular vascularization. [2]
      • inhibition of glomerular capillary lumen development
        • Sema3a gene deletion causes poor glomerular capillary lumen development. [2]
      • patterning of blood vessels
        • Sema3a gene deletion causes defective renal vascular patterning.
      • positive regulation of apoptosis
        • Sema3a overexpression in podocytes during organogenesis leads to glomerular hypoplasia and glomerular endothelial apoptosis. [2]