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Details for anatomical structure: dorsal root ganglion

EndoNet ID: ENC00563

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dorsal root ganglion, dorsal root ganglia, spinal ganglion, Ganglion sensorium nervi spinalis

General information

Ganglia of dorsal roots of spinal nerves

Links to other resources

Cytomer cy0023703

Larger structures


    • glial_cell_of_peripheral_nervous_system
    • Müllers_radial_cell_of_retina
    • macrophage
    • fibroblast
    • Schwann_cell

    Secreted hormones


      • Receptor: Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1

        Induced phenotype:

        • sensory perception of pain
          • VR1 is essential for the development of sensitization to thermal stimuli during inflammation but not for the normal sensation of noxious heat. [1]
      • Receptor: TrpV4-A

        Induced phenotype:

        • multicellular organismal water homeostasis
          • Blockers of TRPV4 Attenuate the Hypotonic Stimulus-Induced [Ca2+]i Increase in Nociceptors, this suppoprt the involvement of TRPV4 in nociceptor osmosensitivity.
          • TRPV4 is a transducer of osmotic stimulation in primary afferent nociceptive nerve fibers, and a transducer involved in inflammatory pain.
      • Receptor: trkC

        Induced phenotype:

        • proprioception
          • TrkC deficient mice display abnormal movements that are athetotic in nature and result in highly abnormal limb postures. This suggests a defect in proprioception, the sensory function that localizes the limbs in space. [2]
          • Neurotrophin signaling through trk receptors is important in the development and maintenance of the mammalian nervous system. [3]
          • Mice lacking trkC have a loss of DRG neurons, this defect might be amongst other responsible for the abnormal movements. [3]
      • Receptor: trkB

        Induced phenotype:

        • regulation of feeding behavior
          • TrkB deficient mice display a loss in lumbar dorsal root ganglia. [4]
          • TrkB may play a role in the complex interactions involved in feeding activity of newborn animals. [3]
          • Neurotrophin signaling through trk receptors is important in the development and maintenance of the mammalian nervous system. [3]
      • Receptor: trkA

        Induced phenotype:

        • thermoception
          • Neuroanatomical examinatio of the PNS of mice lacking trkA revealed extensive neuronal cell loss in trigeminal, dorsal root, and sympathetic ganglia. [5]
          • Mice lacking the trkA exhibit deficiencies in thermoception. [3]
          • Neurotrophin signaling through trk receptors is important in the development and maintenance of the mammalian nervous system. [3]