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Details for messenger / hormone: 4-1BBL

EndoNet ID: ENH00567

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  • 4-1BBL
  • tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 9
  • 4-1BB ligand
  • TNFSF9
  • receptor 4-1BB ligand
  • tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 9

General information

  • 4-1BB-ligand is regulated on human dendritic cells and induces the production of IL-12. [1]
  • 4-1BB ligand, a member of the TNF-superfamily, interacts with 4-1BB (CDw137) expressed on activated T cells and delivers a costimulatory signal for T cell activation and growth. [2]


Hormone function

  • development and growth
    • growth stimulation

    Chemical classification

    Links to other resources

    UniProt P41273
    Ensembl ENST00000245817
    KEGG hsa:8744


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