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Details for phenotype: negative regulation of synaptic transmission, GABAergic

EndoNet ID: ENP00708


negative regulation of synaptic transmission, GABAergic

General information

This phenotype is not pathologic

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Phenotype triggers

  • normal activity of alpha 1A-adrenoreceptor
    in basket_cell
    • Basket cells express abundant alpha 1a AR mRNA. Parallel fibers excitation of basket cell dendrites produces off-beam GABAergic inhibition of Purkinje cells. [1]
  • normal activity of alpha 1B-adrenoreceptor
    in cerebellar_cortex
    • Inner stellate cells express moderate levels of alpha 1b AR mRNA. Excitation of stellate cells though parallel fibers produces GABAergic inhibition of Purkinje cells. [1]
    • Ability of the alpha 1b AR subtype tp react faster and to lower levels of norepinephrine may be important in the selective inhibition by stellate cells of specific populations of Purkinje cells. [1]