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Details for receptor: CD72

EndoNet ID: ENR00274

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  • B-cell differentiation antigen CD72
  • Lyb-2
  • cellular differentiation antigen 72
  • CD72

General information

Links to other resources

UniProt P21854
Ensembl ENST00000437813

Binding hormones

  • natural soluble CD5 form
  • SEMA4D
    • CD72, a type 2 transmembrane protein belonging to the C-type lectin family, acts as a CD100/Sema4D receptor in the immune system. [1]
    • The low affinity receptor for CD100/Sema4D is CD72, the major receptor for CD100 in immune cells. [1]

Anatomical structures with this receptor

  • pancreas

  • spleen

  • B-lymphocyte

    Induced phenotypes

    • B cell response/activation
      • CD100/Sema4D enhances B cell responses by shutting off CD72-mediated negative signalling. [2]
      • CD100/Sema4D-CD72 interaction is a unique example of ligand binding to a negative regulator yielding a positive output. [3]
    • monocyte activation
      • CD100/Sema4D induces immune response through CD72, it appears to play a role in monocyte activation. [4]
      • The negative regulator CD100/Sema4D regulates B cell response through shutting off CD72-mediated negative signaling. [2]
  • prolymphocyte

  • macrophage


    • positive IFN-gamma
      • Activated NK cells express CD100 and produce soluble CD100. They interact with macrophages by several routs among which is the CD100-CD72 interaction. Such interaction lead to IFNgamma secretion which in turn activates other cells of the immune system. [5]
    • positive SEMA4D
      • Activated NK cells express CD100 and produce soluble CD100. They interact with macrophages by several routs among which is the CD100-CD72 interaction. Such interaction lead to soluble CD100 secretion which in turn activates other cells of the immune system. [5]

    Induced phenotypes

    • macrophage activation during immune response
      • CD100/Sema4D induces immune response through CD72, it appears to play a role in monocyte activation. [4]
      • The negative regulator CD100/Sema4D regulates B cell response through shutting off CD72-mediated negative signaling. [2]
  • dendritic_cell_in_lymphoid_tissues


    • positive IFN-gamma
      • Activated NK cells express CD100 and produce soluble CD100. They interact with dendritic cells by several routs among which is the CD100-CD72 interaction. Such interaction lead to IFNgamma secretion which in turn activates other cells of the immune system. [5]
    • positive SEMA4D
      • Activated NK cells express CD100 and produce soluble CD100. They interact with dentritic cells by several routs among which is the CD100-CD72 interaction. Such interaction lead to soluble CD100 secretion which in turn activates other cells of the immune system. [5]