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Details for receptor: 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 4

EndoNet ID: ENR00361

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  • serotonin receptor 4
  • 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 4
  • 5-ht-4R

General information

  • In Alzheimer Desease, reduced densities of 5-HT4 receptors have been found in the hippocampus and neocortex. [1]
  • 5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) increases human heart rate and atrial contractile force and hastens atrial relaxation through 5-HT4 receptors. [2]
  • The highest densities of 5-HT4 receptors within the CNS are located in limbic regions, including the hippocampus, frontal cortex and amygdala, regions of the brain commonly associated with learning and memory. [3]
  • Within the hippocampus, 5-HT4 receptors are located on CA1 pyramidal neurones. [3]

Links to other resources

UniProt Q13639
Ensembl ENST00000444006

Binding hormones

  • serotonin

Anatomical structures with this receptor

  • cell_of_adrenal_gland_zona_glomerulosa


    • positive aldosterone
      • Released by mast cells in the vicinity of glomerulosa cells, 5-HT stimulates aldosterone secretion through activation of 5-HT4 receptors positively coupled to adenylyl cyclase and calcium influx. [4]
  • cell_of_adrenal_gland_zona_fasciculata


    • positive cortisol
      • Serotonin-induced stimulation of cortisol secretion from human adrenocortical tissue is mediated through activation of a serotonin4 receptor subtype. [5]
  • atrium_of_heart

  • caudate_nucleus

  • putamen

  • hippocampus


    • positive sAPPalpha
      • Activation of the human 5-HT(4) receptor stimulates the secretion of the non-amyloidogenic soluble form of the amyloid precursor protein (sAPPalpha). 5-HT enhanced the level of secreted sAPPalpha in a time- and dose-dependent manner in Chinese hamster ovary cells stably expressing the h5-HT(4) receptor isoform. [6]
  • amygdaloid_body

  • frontal_lobe


    • positive acetylcholine
      • The stimulation of 5-HT4 receptors increase the cortical ACh release in the frontal cortex. [7]
      • Stimualted 5-HT4 receptors increase the extracellular concentration of ACh in the frontal cortex. [8]
  • corpus_striatum

  • nucleus_accumbens


    • positive cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript protein
      • Stimulation of the 5-HT4 receptors mediate an increase in the mRNA levels of the CART protein in the nucleus accumbens. [9]
  • substantia_nigra

    Induced phenotypes

    • optpkinetic behavior
      • The expression of the 5-HT 4 receptors in the basal ganglia and substantia nigra indicates a role in the control of visuo-motor activity. [10]