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Details for receptor: melanocortin receptor 3

EndoNet ID: ENR00762

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  • melanocortin receptor 3
  • MC3
  • MC3R

General information

  • All the subtypes(of MCR) except MC4R could be detected in testis. [1]
  • Specific products were identified for MC3R in heart. [1]

Links to other resources

UniProt P41968
Ensembl ENST00000371389

Binding hormones

  • MSH
  • melanotropin beta
    • All of the melanocortins are roughly equipotent at MC3R. [2]
  • ACTH
    • All of the melanocortins are roughly equipotent at MC3R. [2]
  • melanotropin gamma
    • All of the melanocortins are roughly equipotent at MC3R. [2]
    • The presumptive receptor of gamma-MSH peptides is the MC3R. [3]
  • alpha-MSH
    • All of the melanocortins are roughly equipotent at MC3R. [2]
  • AGRP
    • AgRP is an antagonist of MC3R and MC4R and may act as a inhibitor of alpha-MSH. [4]

Anatomical structures with this receptor

  • testis

  • heart

  • arcuate_nucleus_of_hypothalamus

    Induced phenotypes

    • negative regulation of appetite
      • Both alpha-Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) and agouti-related protein (AGRP) exert effects on energy balance by signaling through melanocortin receptor 3 and that induced an inhibitory influence on appetite and body weight. Alpha-MSH acts as an agonist to the receptor and suppresses feeding, and AGRP conversely stimulates food intake by antagonizing the alpha-MSH signaling. [5]
  • paraventricular_nucleus_of_hypothalamus

    Induced phenotypes

    • promotion of positive energy balance
      • A component of the melanocortin system within the arcuate nucleus of hypothalamus consists of a neuronal population that produces proopiomelanocortin (POMC)-derived peptides, such as alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone, and cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) peptides, which promote positive energy balance. [6]
      • In the PVN, the peptides derived from the breakdown of POMC (mainly alpha-MSH)are endogeneous agonists of MC3R. [7]
    • negative regulation of appetite
      • A component of the melanocortin system within the arcuate nucleus of hypothalamus consists of a neuronal population that produces proopiomelanocortin (POMC)-derived peptides, such as alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone, and cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) peptides, which promote satiety. [6]
      • In the PVN, the peptides derived from the breakdown of POMC (mainly alpha-MSH)are endogeneous agonists of MC3R. [7]
    • obesity
      • Dominant mutations in the agouti peptide were known to cause an obese phenotype in mice and this has been proved to be due to the antagonism of melanocortin receptors located in the PVN [8]