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Details for receptor: melanocortin receptor 5

EndoNet ID: ENR00764

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  • MC5
  • melanocortin receptor 5
  • melanocortin-5 receptor
  • MC5-R

General information

  • All the subtypes except MC4R could be detected in testis. [1]
  • Specific products were identified for MC5R in adrenal gland, fat cells, kidney, leukocytes, lung, lymph node, mammary gland, ovary, pituitary, testis and uterus. [1]
  • MC5-R is expressed in several organs including the adrenal cortex.

Links to other resources

UniProt P33032
Ensembl ENST00000324750

Binding hormones

  • MSH
  • ACTH
    • The potency of MC5R-Ligands is alpha-MSH > ACTH > beta-MSH > gamma-MSH. [2]
  • alpha-MSH
    • MC5R has the greatest affinity for alpha-MSH (Table 1). [2]
  • melanotropin beta
    • The potency of MC5R-Ligands is alpha-MSH > ACTH > beta-MSH > gamma-MSH. [2]
  • melanotropin gamma
    • MC5R has the least affinity for gamma-MSH (Table 1). [2]

Anatomical structures with this receptor

  • testis

  • adipose_tissue


    • positive interleukin 6
      • Function of melanocortins in regulating Il6 gene expression and production in adipocytes through membrane receptors which are called melanocortin receptors. Of the five melanocortin receptors, MC2R and MC5R are expressed during adipocyte differentiation. AlphaMSH in addition to ACTH function as a regulator of inflammation by regulating cytokine production. 2306 [3]
      • Melanocortins induce interleukin 6 gene expression and secretion through melanocortin receptor 2 and 5 in adipocytes. 2306 [3]
  • epithelial_cell

  • sebaceous_glands

    Induced phenotypes

    • sebogenesis
      • Since sebaceous glands of mice dereived from skin express MC5-R and targeted disruption of it results in reduced water repulsion and sebum secretion, it is possible that MC5-R in man likewise mediates sebogenesis. [4]
    • sebaceous gland development
      • Adrenal androgens may contribute significantly in sebaceous gland development. If neither estrogen nor ACTH has any directly supressive or stimulating effect respectively on the sebaqueous gland, the negative response to ACTH stimulation may mean either that endogenous androgens from the adrenal cortex are not sebum stimulating or that the estrogen together with pituitary-gonadal hormones supresses the adrenal gland directly. [5]