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Details for receptor: thrombin receptor

EndoNet ID: ENR01126

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  • thrombin receptor

General information

Links to other resources

UniProt Q71UT7
Ensembl ENST00000396233

Binding hormones

    Anatomical structures with this receptor

    • brain


      • positive FSH
      • positive abeta40
        • The amyloid beta-protein (A beta) and protease nexin-2/amyloid beta-protein precursor (PN-2/A beta PP) are major constituents of senile plaques and cerebrovascular deposits in individuals with Alzheimer's disease and related disorders. It has been suggested that the coagulation protease thrombin may process A beta PP in a manner leading to the formation of A beta. [1]
        • Effects of thrombin on the secretion and processing of PN-2/A beta PP and the production of A beta in a cellular system. [1]
        • Thrombin does not directly contribute to A beta formation, its proteolysis of secreted PN-2/A beta PP may disrupt regions near the carboxyl terminus of the secreted proteins that account for their neuroprotective and cell adhesive properties. [1]
        • Thrombin was found to proteolyze secreted forms of A beta PP proteins and, through activation of its cell surface receptor, induce secretion of PN-2/A beta PP in certain cell types resulting in decreased levels of soluble A beta. These findings demonstrate that thrombin causes nonamyloidogenic processing of ApPP in cultured cells. [1]
      • positive abeta42
        • The amyloid beta-protein (A beta) and protease nexin-2/amyloid beta-protein precursor (PN-2/A beta PP) are major constituents of senile plaques and cerebrovascular deposits in individuals with Alzheimer's disease and related disorders. It has been suggested that the coagulation protease thrombin may process A beta PP in a manner leading to the formation of A beta. [1]
        • Effects of thrombin on the secretion and processing of PN-2/A beta PP and the production of A beta in a cellular system. [1]
        • thrombin does not directly contribute to A beta formation, its proteolysis of secreted PN-2/A beta PP may disrupt regions near the carboxyl terminus of the secreted proteins that account for their neuroprotective and cell adhesive properties. [1]
        • Thrombin was found to proteolyze secreted forms of A beta PP proteins and, through activation of its cell surface receptor, induce secretion of PN-2/A beta PP in certain cell types resulting in decreased levels of soluble A beta. These findings demonstrate that thrombin causes nonamyloidogenic processing of ApPP in cultured cells. [1]